Google CEO joins Apple’s board of directors

The search giant’s Eric Schmidt joins the computer maker’s board, which already includes Steve Jobs and Al Gore.

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About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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2 Responses to Google CEO joins Apple’s board of directors

  1. Anonymous says:

    This might get interesting. Maybe Google and Apple will cooperate more in the future.

  2. Quasidodo says:

    Disney buy Pixar and Steve Jobs becomes te majority shareholder of Disney………
    Apple begins to influence Google……..
    Looks like someone with a desperate wish to eclipse Bill Gates is extending his empire……..

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