Why did ABC air Path to 9/11?

Al Manar, the Hezbollah television network in Lebanon, broadcast a television miniseries based the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-semetic book that has been throughly and completely debunked. In fact, it is based on nothing. It has no evidence to back it up, yet they represented it as historical truth.

A little while ago, ABC broadcast “The Path to 9/11,” a miniseries said to be based on the 9/11 Commision Report. Several scenes gained quite a bit of controversy, however. These scenes were not based on the 9/11 Commission Report, and in fact were not based on any solid evidence whatsoever. It tried to place the blame for the 9/11 attack on former president Bill Clinton, yet the evidence did not support that viewpoint, so they “improvised” the scenes. ABC admitted this, claiming that it was not a documentary, yet at the same pushed for the movie to be used as a teaching tool.

Seems sort-of similar, don’t you think? Maybe because this type of tactic works. People want reinforcement for their previously held beliefs. They want to hear what they already think… it makes it a whole lot easier to keep believing in it, despite what the facts say. Anti-semetic people want justification for their hatred of Jewish people. They want to be able to blame Jews for their problems, rather than blaming themselves. The motives behind “The Path to 9/11″ aren’t much different.

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on amazon.com because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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4 Responses to Why did ABC air Path to 9/11?

  1. scene111 says:

    I never even bothered to watch that piece of crap… screw abc

  2. unknowable says:

    I’m still hoping this whole thing is going to just blow over soon. No one really took them seriously.

  3. Chris says:

    I think we should push for “Loose Change” to be used as a teaching tool also. Seems fair to me.

  4. FabreFaction says:

    The “Path to 9/11″ was aired in the UK a few weeks ago. Absolute rubbish. These DocuDrama things are a waste of time. A drama loosly based on a few facts does not make good TV, and is certainly more propaganda than education. I did not watch all of the programme as there were much better ways of spending my time, so I cannot comment on all of the contnet, but what I saw was no more than Bush propaganda.

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