Torture Bill passes Congress

H.R. 6166: Military Commissions Act of 2006
4 (A) As provided by the Constitution and by
5 this section, the President has the authority for
6 the United States to interpret the meaning and
7 application of the Geneva Conventions

This is the bill that allows the US to imprison and torture at will, based only on suspicion. 218 Republicans and 34 Democrats voted in favor of this act.

These are the Republicans who voted against it: (it’s easier this way)
Nay MD-6 Bartlett, Roscoe [R]
Nay MD-1 Gilchrest, Wayne [R]
Nay NC-3 Jones, Walter [R]
Nay OH-14 LaTourette, Steven [R]
Nay IA-2 Leach, James [R]
Nay KS-1 Moran, Jerry [R]
Nay TX-14 Paul, Ronald [R]

These are the Democrats that voted for it:
Aye NJ-1 Andrews, Robert [D]
Aye GA-12 Barrow, John [D]
Aye IL-8 Bean, Melissa [D]
Aye GA-2 Bishop, Sanford [D]
Aye OK-2 Boren, Dan [D]
Aye IA-3 Boswell, Leonard [D]
Aye FL-2 Boyd, F. [D]
Aye OH-13 Brown, Sherrod [D]
Aye KY-6 Chandler, Ben [D]
Aye AL-5 Cramer, Robert [D]
Aye TX-28 Cuellar, Henry [D]
Aye AL-7 Davis, Artur [D]
Aye TN-4 Davis, Lincoln [D]
Aye TX-17 Edwards, Thomas [D]
Aye NC-2 Etheridge, Bob [D]
Aye TN-9 Ford, Harold [D]
Aye TN-6 Gordon, Barton [D]
Aye SD-0 Herseth, Stephanie [D]
Aye NY-27 Higgins, Brian [D]
Aye PA-17 Holden, Tim [D]
Aye GA-3 Marshall, James [D]
Aye UT-2 Matheson, Jim [D]
Aye NC-7 McIntyre, Mike [D]
Aye LA-3 Melancon, Charles [D]
Aye ME-2 Michaud, Michael [D]
Aye KS-3 Moore, Dennis [D]
Aye MN-7 Peterson, Collin [D]
Aye ND-0 Pomeroy, Earl [D]
Aye AR-4 Ross, Mike [D]
Aye CO-3 Salazar, John [D]
Aye GA-13 Scott, David [D]
Aye SC-5 Spratt, John [D]
Aye TN-8 Tanner, John [D]
Aye MS-4 Taylor, Gene [D]

It is hard to believe, isn’t it? But those are the actual numbers. A majority of Republicans and even a few Democrats actually voted to allow the US to torture and detain people at will.

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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2 Responses to Torture Bill passes Congress

  1. NPC says:

    Yay! :|
    …I’m moving to Canada.

  2. unknowable says:

    aaawww nuts, if only i could leave the country

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