Monthly Archives: October 2006

South Park episode about 9/11 conspiracy

Download the torrent here

Posted in Atheism, Videos | 10 Comments

Parody: Landover Baptist Pastor Preaches to Atheists

This is a video of a fake baptist pastor preaching at the American Atheists “Godless March.” We have people placed in government who are tying to get fools like you to give up your silly superstitions about science and so-called … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Videos | 4 Comments

Luckiest day of the year

Okay, it’s been a few days since I posted anything usefull, due to school-related matters, as well as my recent discovery that full video streams of Frontline episodes are available for free on Today, however, I decided to finally … Continue reading

Posted in Site News | 1 Comment

The house of cards

We all knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time before Republicans started blaming N. Korea’s recent completion of an atomic weapon on Clinton. At least this time they aren’t simultaneously taking credit for Clinton’s improvements to … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Noteworthy, Opinion | 3 Comments

Stewart/Colbert ’08

Stewart-Colbert ’08? Those people wearing “Stewart/Colbert ’08″ T-shirts can stop hoping — Comedy Central’s fake news stars have no intention of making a run for the White House. Jon Stewart said the T-shirts promoting him and Stephen Colbert “are a … Continue reading

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Dante’s Inferno: Letter from Iraq

A Marine’s letter home, with its frank description of life in “Dante’s inferno,” has been circulating through generals’ in-boxes. Originally printed in TIME: All: I haven’t written very much from Iraq. There’s really not much to write about. More exactly, … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Other | 7 Comments

Politicians are noobs

Much of the recent big events on capital hill have revolved around the Internet, Al Gore’s invention, which has become known as a series of tubes. Lately, politicians have been clogging these tubes with their partisan rhetoric, and with their … Continue reading

Posted in Opinion, Tech and games | 6 Comments

You can’t lie forever

Posted in Current events, News | 4 Comments

Not enough time!

I just finished throwing together part of an essay for ap english, as well as messing with the design a bit more to make the text more readable. I also have to study more, and I’m in the middle of … Continue reading

Posted in Site News | 2 Comments