Fetus vs. McNugget

Fetus vs. McNugget
Which of these has a soul and a sacred life, and which should become food?

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on amazon.com because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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32 Responses to Fetus vs. McNugget

  1. Anonymous says:

    heh, yummy

  2. concernedchristian says:

    thats stupid just because u cant see a difference doesnt mean there isnt one
    god gave one of them a soul and just cuz there both fetuses doesnt mean u shud kill both of them
    humans are more important than chickens

  3. unknowable says:

    humans are more important than chickens

    Than most humans, sure, but I dunno about you. At least chickens can’t vote.

  4. mikey says:

    god didn’t give either a soul, because god does not exist. Humans are animals. Chickens are delicious.

    Open up your eyes (and your tummy) and think for yourself.

  5. god didn’t give either a soul, because god does not exist. Humans are animals. Chickens are delicious. Open up your eyes (and your tummy) and think for yourself.

    Well said. Step back and try to look at everything from a new angle — a new perspective on your life and your beliefs. Hopefully people will realize the irrationality and immorality of not only opposing abortion and of trying to govern others by the standards of one’s personal faith, but realize that blind faith in God is not only outdated but potentially dangerous.

    Until then, avoid eating live babies or chicken nuggets (they’re unhealthy).

  6. (pro-lifers are just so sensitive, I couldn’t resist telling a few more dead baby jokes)

    How do you get 100 babies into a bucket?
    With a blender.
    How do you get them out again?
    With Doritos.

    How do you know when a baby is dead?
    It doesn’t cry if you nail its feet to the ceiling.

    Why do they boil water when a baby is being born?
    So that if its born dead they can make soup.

  7. Centerman says:

    “God didn’t give either a soul, because god does not exist. Humans are animals.”

    Mikey is an intelligent man.

  8. Christopher Wing says:

    Mmm… McSoul.

  9. babykiller says:

    lol at the dead baby jokes. –

    how do you make a baby crawl in a circle?
    nail its foot to the floor
    How do you make it stop?
    nail the other foot to the floor.

    but – yes – my money is on the left one being the McNugget.

  10. says:

    If you batter a fetus and deep fry it, it tastes like chicken.

  11. Troy says:

    I’ve never been to McDonald’s but I would not put it past them to make McFetuses…

  12. Anonymous says:

    ‘humans are more important than chickens’

    humans taste better.

  13. australia says:

    How do we know Chickens dont have a soul? Have you spoken to one recently? Me neither.

    How come humans are considered (by themselves, mind you) the only ones to have souls? Because we are the only animal on earth that has evolved with the cognitive abilities to fathom it as a possibility.

    Dont be so arrogant. i happen to think that if humans have a soul, so do chickens. if there are no chickens in heaven, what will we eat?

    If could existed (which, by all accounts, he does not), then he would have given all the delicious animals souls, so that we dont go hungry in the afterlife


  14. australia says:

    if god existed*

    sorry i type badly.

  15. Anon says:

    >>god didn’t give either a soul, because god does not exist. Humans are animals. Chickens are delicious.

    Open up your eyes (and your tummy) and think for yourself.

    This is nice.

  16. Anon says:

    Obviously the fetus should be food. Who in their right mind would eat a McNugget? That stuff is SO unhealthy!

  17. December says:

    Although you aren’t making a huge statement with the fetus v nugget pictures, it appears to ignite some really passionate morons to debate the fragility and sanctity of life (and nuggets?) This was entertaining, thumbs up.

  18. Anonymous says:

    “thats stupid just because u cant see a difference doesnt mean there isnt one god gave one of them a soul and just cuz there both fetuses doesnt mean u shud kill both of them humans are more important than chickens”

    Well, chickens could probably spell and use better grammar and punctuation than at least one human.

  19. Anonymous says:

    a fetus has no awareness
    a chicken has a awareness.
    fucking fags

  20. Hmmm says:

    Does anybody actually know which fetus is which? Just curious…

  21. Josh says:

    I would eat the one on the left.

  22. Ben says:

    I’d eat both, just to be sure.

  23. als says:

    ben’s comment is the funniest by far, but nice set-up for him, josh.

  24. Gabe says:

    I’m guessing at that stage they’d taste about the same. But still: I think people would get upset with you if you ate a human fetus.

  25. Trav says:

    I believe the one on the right is the chicken fetus because chicken fetuses have longer tales as fetuses (but proceed to lose them as they grow into McNugget-hood), because they have more vertebra, due to an evolutionary off set from their days as reptiles.

  26. Konraden says:

    I’m amused by the lack of “You’re going to hell” lines from the devout. Shame really, those are always worth a laugh. I think it is funny when people say they “pity me, for I will see God’s Grace only after my death, and it will be too late then.” There sense of pity is simply emotional projection. They pity themselves, because all these freethinkers are rising from the crowd, and they are being left behind in their ignorance. If I had a soul, I wouldn’t find it as funny as I do now.

  27. BabyEater says:

    What’s red and screaming…?
    a skinned baby in a bag of salt…

    love and peace (except for christians…)

  28. jazzmoose says:

    It’s hard to tell without the batter…

  29. hahah says:

    LOLZ @ “Concernedchristian”

    Go fuck yourself.

  30. Anonymous says:

    I’m certainly not sure which is which but they both look delicious.

  31. Chubbles says:

    I wouldn’t eat either! Raw meat? Ick! batter and bake em’ first, and then we’ll talk.

  32. brian says:

    Check out my Atheist / rational thinker store. I keep all of the prices as low as possible through zazzle in order to get as much out there as possible and help spread the word that we’re not going to take this shit anymore. :-) http://www.zazzle.com/briman232*

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