What would shotgun Jesus do?

Shotgun Jesus
In the Republican party, religion is a tool and an excuse. If you’re going to have imaginary friends, why not have them support your political agenda? I mean, no one wants to worship a hippie…

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on amazon.com because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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17 Responses to What would shotgun Jesus do?

  1. Anonymous says:

    heh, nice

  2. Religion is used just to get votes. They get the people all upset about a few hotbed issues like abortion or gay marriage and while the people are busy firing that up, the Republicans can be left alone to kill and rob and steal from the poor, and trade blood for oil in Iraq. Makes me sick.

  3. Felix Benner says:

    While you ramble about the Republicans you miss the fact that the Democrats use socialism as a substitute religion with much the same patterns. The poor mistreated discriminated wrech the democrats use to justify so called social spending is just as much imaginary as is Shotgun Jesus. And while they get the people all upset about a few hotbed issues like gay marriage and affirmative action and while the people are busy firing that up, the Democrats can be left alone to plunder the economy and stuff other people’s money into their own pockets and that of their clientele. Makes me just as sick as the Republicans do.

  4. Bill White says:

    “While you ramble about the Republicans you miss the fact that the Democrats use socialism as a substitute religion with much the same patterns.”

    This is stupid. There is only one Socialist in congress. His name is Bernie Sanders, he’s from Vermont, and he was just elected overwhelmingly for the Senate. Other than Bernie, there’s nobody in the US congress, either house or senate, who could even remotely be called a socialist.

  5. J D says:

    The gross stereotypical bigotry of people cracks me up! So tell me, where do Republicans use religion as part of legislative acts? Or, is it more true that Atheist are just people too, and are guilty of the same ridiculous bigotry as any other person or group of people. Afterall, as in the opening question, there is a generalization by the supposed “free thinker” that all republicans are religious, and that all people of religion are somehow ignorant. Well, it seems to me that there are many atheists that have not acheived the higher life of many of the scientists and inventors that are “religiuos” have.

    So, based on the same rules of gerneralized stereotyping bigotry towards religion and republicans, should we assume (as is assumed by the opening question), that all atheists are really fascist genocidal maniacs disguised as democrats, and too damned wrapped up in their hope to force their version of religion down the worlds throat – through much more force than a mere Christian could acheive (ie -lawsuits, communist oppression and massacre, historical distortion, propoganda, etc) that they cannot ever accept that they too need to show tolerance as they insist upon the rest of the world?

    By the way, Jesus would blast the crap for sale off the shelves that was irrelevant to faith if it was being sold in the house of worship. That’s about it.

    Other than that, I presume that you would favorably use the shotgun upon another person that did not share the same ideals as you, especially if they outtalked (er, outgunned) you. Not the same philosophy of many of those “christians”.

    There is much history to show where ideals of the atheists agendas conclude, and typically it is outright murder of hundreds of thousands simply for their beliefs (even if peaceful and socially beneficial). Ironically, you cannot find anything like that level of hostility between people in Christian history or it’s doctine that is found in the scriptures, at least not without some propogandist attempt to link by much distances some information that is either not true and very distorted, or is not relavent. Even when perverted by bigots on either side, it still isn’t in the christian doctrine of the gospels.

    The problem of bigotry, is that it cannot get outside of it’s own prejudices. Atheists are no more or less likely than the average person of this (obviously). To claim you are more superior because of your lack of fantasy, while believing that your way is the only way (cleanse the world of religion or religious influence) that will bring peace, is in fact fantasy – perhaps another dangerous fantasy as history has shown.

  6. Ironically, you cannot find anything like that level of hostility between people in Christian history or it’s doctine that is found in the scriptures, at least not without some propogandist attempt to link by much distances some information that is either not true and very distorted, or is not relavent.

    And I suppose it’s up to you to identify the propogandists and choose what is distorted/irrelevant…
    There are numerous instances of violence in the Bible, as well as calls to violence (killing gay people, stoning people to death for working on Sunday), not to mention all the actual violence that Christianity has brought about (crusades, inquisition). I know, however, you’re just going to ignore all of that and pretend it’s secular propaganda or whatever.

    To claim you are more superior because of your lack of fantasy, while believing that your way is the only way (cleanse the world of religion or religious influence) that will bring peace, is in fact fantasy – perhaps another dangerous fantasy as history has shown.

    Since when did I advocate cleansing the world of religion? That’s a straw man argument if I’ve ever seen one.

  7. Maxtrumental says:

    Hey JD,

    Your rant was void of substantive argument… (mine will be as well, because I have to get back to work:).

    Oh, and If you are saying that the the Bible does not promote violence and genocide then please Google Richard Dawkins and take a look at some of his videos and the passages that he cites from the Holy Scripture. They’re pretty gruesome. True, he is an atheist, but he is very even tempered and takes his evidence from the Good Book itself.

    Btw, I Do believe that the majority of the moral guidance provided by Jesus himself in the gospels is very valuable, but there is enough contradictory philosophy found in the Bible to allow it to be used as a very destructive and divisive force. Which is has been, and I believe is currently.

    Oh, and one thing I can’t let go is that your claim that there has never been an “atmosphere of hostility between people in Christian history” like that incited by atheists. Do you feel that the crusades, protestant witch hunts, or the InquiSITION don’t count for some reason?!

    Take care, I’m aware that I started this off with an antagonistic tone, but I hope you can take it seriously anyhow. I decided to leave it as is to reveal that I was frustrated by what you wrote just as you were frustrated by the previous posting, but all in all I think we all know that it would be best if we could stay civil with each other and refrain from mudslinging, even when we have been targeted. That’s a tenet that I think Jesus would wholeheartedly support. Well, not shotgun Jesus, the other one.

  8. Jimbo says:

    Was Christ not socialist?

  9. Ben Dover says:


  10. No Chirst was no Socialist, by any given measure of Socialist. He did indeed abhorr money, but only when convenient to do so. Like when somone wnated to wash his feet with expensive perfumes he found no quals with that at all. He had no problems wiht t the market economy either apparently. But that’s all moot.

    Mr. White i think the only beigot here is you. Well one of the only boggots here. Your claim that the bibly does not preach violence is one of the most disgusting, dangerous vile, idiotic ignorant comments ever. Maxtrumental said it right when i he suggested reasearching Dawkins. But so that you dont have to strain your prayer-weakened hand i will now proceed to quote but one passage of hundrads, nay thousands i have colected that are not so peace loving.

    1 Samuel 15:3. “Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.”

    “One loove! Ooone looo-ove! Wooohooo”

    Jeremiah 13:14. “And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them.”

    “Lets get together so we can fe-el all right!”

    http://www.evilbible.com should help out in cases of doubt.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Jesus hung out with people who carried swords. Swords were the guns of their time.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The poor mistreated discriminated wrech the democrats use to justify so called social spending is just as much imaginary as is Shotgun Jesus.

    Oh really? That’s interesting, because my childhood was spent under the care of one of these imaginary creatures. I’ll have to have an interesting conversation with my terminally disabled single mother, one where I will tell her that she doesn’t exactly exist, and is simply a fabrication used to win arguments.

    I’m having a hard time envisioning your point of view here. You must live in a really nice town, because I can walk about a block from my house at any time of the day and SEE poor people. If you reside in an environment where the poor and destitute are as esoteric of a concept as the existence of a god, congratulations on your station in life. For most of us, though, poverty and suffering IS a tangible reality.

  13. Anonymous says:

    And also, wouldn’t the personage of Jesus H. Christ fit quite nicely into that archetype previously defined — the one of the “poor, mistreated, discriminated wretch?”

    I hate to say it, but if you’re a Christian who is unwilling to lend credence to the concept of a corrupt society bestowing injustice and poverty upon its less fortunate citizens, if you TRULY believe in the “rugged individualist” boot-strap mentality, you’re ignoring the very impetus that led your religion to fruition in the first place.

  14. Blah says:

    “The poor mistreated discriminated wrech the democrats use to justify so called social spending is just as much imaginary as is Shotgun Jesus.”

    Tell me Felix, have you ever been to Oakland, California? I’ve spent my whole life here and I can tell you for damn sure that that poor mistreated discriminated wrech has been my teachers and my friends and my nieghbors my entire life. Walk through East Oakland on the nicest of days and you can see those poor mistreated discriminated people all over the place. I’ve grown up with these people and I know for a fact that they’d like to be told they don’t exist about as much as you would.

  15. Anonymous says:

    LOL, im saving that image!

  16. WTF? says:

    Who are these people? If any one of the individuals commenting on this site had any regard for transcending the he said she said mentality and wanted to truly focus on becoming better people together without ridiculous stabs at political groups and philosophies maybe we could all elevate. If we got together and agreed on one thing, that we are all just people and we all need each other then maybe we could start to build something new that isn’t so crooked. Count up the hours wasted by “intellectuals” on trying to win the argument on who is right and who is wrong and you will find lifetimes wasted in rhetoric and folly. It’s a fools errand to judge anyone but yourself and if you’ve polished that to perfection than maybe you are big enough an entity to tell us who is and who isn’t fulfilling their life purpose and obligation to our fellow men and women.

  17. What wouldn’t he do? holy shit! what couldn’t he do?

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