It’s illegal to sell domains to terrorists

Yup, it’s a real bill.

A person is guilty of criminal sale of an internet domain name to a terrorist group when he or she knowingly sells or provides without charge an internet domain name to any organization included on the list of organizations engaged in terrorist activities or who pose a terrorist threat compiled, maintained and updated by the state office of homeland security pursuant to paragraph (t) of subdivision two of section seven hundred nine of the executive law. Criminal sale of an internet domain name to a terrorist group is a class A misdemeanor.

Do they seriously think this will do anything? Besides, what kind of terrorist buys a domain under his or her own name?

The number of ridiculous things being done in the name of stopping terrorism is still increasing.

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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8 Responses to It’s illegal to sell domains to terrorists

  1. fruitbythefoot says:

    lol, oh noes, there goes my source of income!
    what am i supposed to do with “” now?!?

  2. Anonymous says:

    LOL @ fruitbythefoot

    Anyway, what a huge waste of time. Besides, how are they going to police this? Does godaddy need to verify that all their customers aren’t terrorists?

  3. catnapping says:

    another bite out of the first amendment…

    who gets to define “terrorist threat?” According to Herr Bush, environmental activists are terrorists. anyone disagreeing with his nazi policies is a traitor!

    By criminalizing the sale of internet access to any group with whom Bush disagrees, he in effect shuts them up. He knows the only real place left to find the truth is the web.

    Hell, it’s the only place I can find any news. The TV and papers are too busy jacking-off over Nicole’s decomposing body to bother telling us wtf is going on in Iraq. (and we KNOW they’re doin’ that fer Bush.)

  4. unknowable says:

    catnapping: the legality of this isn’t really important, since it’ll never pass and it’s impossible to enforce. IMO the important part is that they’re wasting their time with this sort of crap. They’re writing legislation about limiting domain sales while injured war veterans are getting substandard care.

  5. Anonymous says:

    “what am i supposed to do with “” now?!?”
    bahahahahahahaha :D

  6. teh says:

    so, what, now godaddy is going to give every customer a test to see if their a terrrorist?! this is never going to work!

  7. FabreFaction says:

    What is a class A misdemeanor?

    Is that off to Guantanamo Bay????

  8. seven¿?¿ says:

    wtf who whats a terrorist gonna do with a website this just a bunch of fags gettin a raging semi towards terrorists

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