What type of atheist are you?

I found this online quiz with stumbleupon, and this is my result:

You scored as Scientific Atheist.

These guys rule. I’m not one of them myself, although I play one online. They know the rules of debate, the Laws of Thermodynamics, and can explain evolution in fifty words or less. More concerned with how things ARE than how they should be, these are the people who will bring us into the future.

Scientific Atheist
Apathetic Atheist
Militant Atheist
Spiritual Atheist
Angry Atheist

What kind of atheist are you?
created with QuizFarm.com

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on amazon.com because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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7 Responses to What type of atheist are you?

  1. unknowable says:

    I’m a “scientific atheist” too.

  2. TehFluffz says:

    I’m an Apathetic Atheist, which seems true,
    I don’t believe in god and I’m not going to preach about it to someone
    the same way I don’t want religious people to preach me.

  3. FabreFaction says:

    According to Reverend Acid, my results are:

    You scored as Spiritual Atheist.

    Ah! Some of the coolest people in the world are Spiritual Atheists. Most of them weren’t brought up in an organized religion and have very little baggage. They concentrate on making the world a better place and know that death is just another part of life. What comes after, comes after.

    Spiritual Atheist 75%
    Apathetic Atheist 67%
    Agnostic 50%
    Scientific Atheist 42%
    Angry Atheist 25%
    Theist 25%
    Militant Atheist 17%

  4. Blaznazn says:

    You scored as Apathetic Atheist. Meh… whatever. Apathetic Atheists tend towards disbelief because believing takes more work. These are the people who won’t argue religion, even if a total nutjob confronts them because arguing just seems like a waste of time they could spend doing something else.
    Apathetic Atheist100%
    Angry Atheist83%
    Scientific Atheist67%
    Spiritual Atheist58%
    Militant Atheist42%

  5. Lynxana says:

    You scored as Agnostic.
    Agnostics consider the possibility that they may be wrong about God’s existence, no matter which side of the fence they stand on. Always willing to objectively evaluate the most ridiculous proof, nevertheless, these guys are skeptics of the Nth degree.

    Agnostic 75%
    Spiritual Atheist 58%
    Apathetic Atheist 42%
    Angry Atheist 25%
    Theist 25%
    Scientific Atheist 8%
    Militant Atheist 0%

    It seems strange that any of these scores are zero… LOL, well an Agnostic makes sense for me. I am skeptical about everything! I need hard proof in order to believe or discount something.

  6. Troy says:

    Also Scientific Atheist. I read some Wikipedia articles about logic and argument, and I want to know enough about evolution to keep myself from getting cornered, even though I’m a CS major.

    I’m very skeptical about the ‘supernatural’, and even if God admitted his existence to me irrefutably, I might not worship him. Maybe if he also said he wasn’t omnipotent and the bible was false, then I might.

  7. Amitabho says:

    You scored as a Angry Atheist
    Angry Atheist
    Scientific Atheist
    Militant Atheist
    Apathetic Atheist
    Spiritual Atheist

    I still think that I got the 8% Theist from answering neutrally.
    At least I got Scientific Atheist as 67%.
    I love what they say when you get a 100% Theist, though;
    “Why did you take a quiz specifically for atheists? Are you illiterate as well as deluded? Go sing at a brick wall or give your money to a corrupt pedophile or something.”

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