Upgraded to Gutsy, still working out the kinks

I upgraded on Saturday, but I still haven’t gotten everything working. Right now sound capture isn’t working, and I only just got compiz-fusion working (which is weird, considering I had it working perfectly in Feisty; I had to remove it before the upgrade and reinstall it from the Gutsy repos, but all sorts of things went wrong).

It was worth it to upgrade, though, if only because of the new software versions. Plus, I finally got Pidgin working with gfire.

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on amazon.com because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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3 Responses to Upgraded to Gutsy, still working out the kinks

  1. Anonymous says:

    nice, maybe time to upgrade…

  2. Tech Roach says:

    I think the devs need to make it really easy for normal people to configure their system and it should work properly out of the box. Thats where Mac gets an upper edge. For me, being a busy bee, its really hard to lost almost half an hour configuring the new OS. But, I did upgrade anyway. :)

  3. Tech Roach: It isn’t the dev’s fault that my soundcard drivers don’t work correctly. Also, have you ever tried running MacOS on non-standard hardware? It runs like crap. The only reason things “work out of the box” on Macs is because Apple controls all the hardware that gets put in a Mac. I can get Ubuntu running on pretty much anything; boxes with partially broken drives, no-name brand hardware, etc. Same with Windows, to a lesser extent. You’d be lucky if you got a hacked copy of MacOSX to even start on a non-apple pc, even if the pc was in perfect condition. Besides, it isn’t worth it to me to spend the extra $1000 on an overpriced pc Apple computer just to make sure the devices all work upon upgrading.

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