LOLcats isn’t funny anymore

I know I should be writing about politics or philosophy or something, but I haven’t really been up to it lately, what with school and all. So, rather than a moderately intelligent post about a serious topic, you get my random rant about why cat image macros are no longer funny.

Seriously. What is this, 2005? It was funny for a while, back when Caturday was new on 4chan. Now everyone knows about it, and the overall image quality is steadily going downhill.

Sure, a new funny one comes out once in a while, most likely from the twisted minds of 4chan’s /b/, but literally hundreds show up on stumbleupon that are just awful.

Here’s a rule: if you just found out about the whole cat image macro trend a few days ago, you’re probably going to make a crappy image. It isn’t going to be funny and clever. It’s just going to be lame.


About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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8 Responses to LOLcats isn’t funny anymore

  1. Mimzy says:

    I’ve found quite a few funny lolcats, but yeah, when you have ten-year-olds and 30-year-old men living in their parents’ basements making them, the overall quality does seem to go down.

    I figured that if they don’t at least make me SMILE (let alone “lol”), they’re probably not that funny. :D


  2. Ranjani says:

    Nah, there’s some humor in them left :)

  3. Yian says:

    I rarely find lolcats that are funny. :P

    And 4chan should really start a new meme…Then people will catch on, it’ll grow big, and the new trend will be funny for another short time frame while we’re giving up on lolcats.

  4. Anonymous says:

    “lolcats” is just a stupid wanna-be website. the real thing started with caturday. if you want real lulz goto /b/.

  5. Rod says:

    New meme? Suggestions:

    locatcrap and smelly pictures. It’s only a tiny step down the ladder, in terms of sophistication. Possible URL:

  6. Smokey Demon says:

    I like cats much more than I like people. They are a lot smarter, smell better, and love you unconditionally. I will look at pictures of them any time. As for Rod, I hope he was being sarcastic. I would hate to think anyone is actually that stupid. I saw a picture of a small grey kitten a few days ago, with his mouth open and small white kittens who had red eyes in the background of the picture. The caption was “Halp! Zombilies!” For some reason, I didn’t save it and have been looking for it ever since. Can anyone help me find it?

  7. Invertin says:

    Isn’t repeating the same joke over and over and over and over completely out of context over and over and over again the point of Lolcats?

  8. I.Dunno says:

    lolcats used to have some really clever humor but the site seems to have been taken over by grandmas making ‘cute’ captions and talking in horrific babytalk/lolspeak. It has just gotten completely lame.

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