I got a USB Tablet

Yup, a Genius “MousePen 8×6.” I played with it for an hour or so in Photoshop. My first thought was that I wasted my money — the pen and tablet didn’t change the fact that I’m a crappy artist — but after I got the hang of it I began to like it. Sure, I bought the cheapest one I could find, and it skips around a bit, but it was well worth the 50$ I paid for it on Amazon. I can trace things fairly well now, I can draw some nice looking stick figures, and maybe one day I’ll get around to learning how to draw.

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on amazon.com because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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