Category Archives: F***ed up

Hamas TV’s Mickey Mouse-ripoff martyred

According to the Associated Press: A Mickey Mouse lookalike who preached Islamic domination on a Hamas-affiliated children’s television program was beaten to death in the show’s final episode Friday.In the final skit, “Farfour” was killed by an actor posing as … Continue reading

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Seven years for pushing teacher’s aid

(April 1st): Shaquanda is now free. Read about it on her blog. In Paris, Texas, a town once famous for public lynchings, a recent sentencing of a fourteen year old black girl to seven years in prison for pushing a … Continue reading

Posted in F***ed up, News, Noteworthy | Tagged | 31 Comments

Hypocrisy (noun): see Newt Gingrich

hy·poc·ri·sy (noun): a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess. Remember that whole thing with former President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? And how former speaker of the … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, News | 1 Comment

I feel sick

FSTDT is usually good for a few laughs. I went there expecting to waste some time reading other people’s ignorant comments… and I see this: “Just recently my son Bobby came out to me. I had been worried for awhile. … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, F***ed up, Noteworthy, Opinion | Tagged | 316 Comments

Man plots to kill Muslim family

A 32-year-old Guilford man has been arrested and accused of stalking and threatening to kill a family of Muslims that he believed were plotting a terrorist attack. I don’t know how people like Karl Rove sleep at night, knowing their … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, Opinion | 2 Comments

UCLA student assaulted with taser

This is a video of a UCLA student being stunned with a taser because he didn’t have his library pass. Mostafa Tabatabainejad, a UCLA student, was repeatedly stunned with a Taser and then taken into custody when he did not … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, News, Noteworthy | 3 Comments

Thought Crimes

This is a very disturbing story, moreso when you really think about it. A 15-year-old boy was sentenced this morning to six years in state prison for his role in a plot to shoot fellow students and faculty last spring … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, Noteworthy | 7 Comments

Torture Bill passes Congress

H.R. 6166: Military Commissions Act of 2006 4 (A) As provided by the Constitution and by 5 this section, the President has the authority for 6 the United States to interpret the meaning and 7 application of the Geneva Conventions … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, News | 2 Comments

Congress votes on allowing random searching of students

The Student Teacher Safety Act of 2006 (HR 5295) is up for vote soon in Congress, and it allows teachers and school officials to conduct thorough searches of any student, at any time, for any (or no) reason. Yup, schools … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, Noteworthy | 5 Comments

Geneva Convention, killing sprees, and racist Christians

The US president, George Bush, today dismissed the Geneva conventions on the laws of war as “vague” and called on Congress to back controversial new rules on the handling of terror suspects. Mr Bush’s remarks came after the proposed laws … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, Opinion, Tech and games | 4 Comments