Category Archives: Tech and games

Windows 7 is actually pretty good

Seriously. First, I’ll explain my bias: I’m primarily a Linux user, and I’d love to write a blog post trashing Windows. My experience with it so far, however, tells me that Windows 7 (only the beta, no less) is a … Continue reading

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Yahoo Pipes is actually kinda fun, but not very useful

If you haven’t heard, Yahoo launched a tool that allows non-programmers to build mashups (web applications that combine data and/or functionality from more than one source) by dragging boxes and lines together in a (usually) intuitive visual interface. I played … Continue reading

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Adventures in Flash gaming

I’ve been working on a little Flash-based shooter for a while now. The game is a fairly standard abstract vertical shooter with some nice visual effects and music. Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like right now: Once it’s … Continue reading

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Top 3 Open Source (X)HTML/CSS Editors

I’ve been a Dreamweaver user for a while now, but I thought it was about time to look at some of the free options available. I’d messed around with Nvu a bit a few years ago and thought it was … Continue reading

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Top 5 Firefox alternatives for Linux

I’m a huge fan of Firefox, but it just doesn’t run well on my EEE PC (which runs Ubuntu Linux). Because of this, I’ve been researching alternate web browsers that run in Linux. Epiphany is a browser for the GNOME … Continue reading

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Amusing computer science quotes

Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves. ~ Alan Kay Debugging is twice … Continue reading

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Helpful online Python tutorials

I’m studying JAVA in school, but I’ve always felt Python was a more fun language, and I always recommend it to friends wanting to try programming for the first time. Here are a few good resources that can help you … Continue reading

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Surprisingly helpful Vista tip: Shortcut keyboard combination for creating a new folder in Vista’s file explorer

Hold down ALT and type F + W + F (in that order, without the plus signs). You can try them individually to see how this works. ALT+F opens the file menu, W opens the New submenu, and the final … Continue reading

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Channel Surfing

My latest interactive fiction game, Channel Surfing, placed 21st in IFComp ’08. I’m working on fixing the bugs for Release 2. I wasn’t really surprised with how things played out in the contest. I know I didn’t do nearly enough … Continue reading

Posted in Other, Tech and games | 2 Comments

VirtualBox Seamless mode: Windows XP in Ubuntu 8.10 + Compiz-Fusion

I’ve tried VirtualBox’s seamless mode in the past and had mixed results. It worked well enough last time I tried it in Ubuntu 7.10, but it didn’t play well with compiz-fusion. Now, having updated to Ubuntu 8.10 and the newer … Continue reading

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