Category Archives: Site News

School is in the way of my blogging

Sorry it’s been so long since my last post. I’m busy with school work.

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One full year of blogging

Exactly a year ago today I started this blog. It’s certainly come a long way, though looking back I didn’t even come close to the “one post per day” I was planning on.

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Conspiracy LOL

I never really announced it here, but I launched a new website a while ago called Conspiracy LOL ( Basically, it’s a collection of the craziest and (therefore) funniest conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorist quotes. It’s driven by user submissions, … Continue reading

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Summer break!

Yesterday was the last day of finals at my school. Hurray for summer break!

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Taking a short break

School stuff to do, less time for blogging. See you in a few weeks!

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Messing with the design

I’m still trying to get everything to work, but overall I like the new look.

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New layout and old excuses

Well, K2 wasn’t working well with my host, 1and1 (they’re complete crap), so I decided to change it up a bit. This is a much simpler and more elegant design, plus it validates in XHTML (last time I checked). Anyway, … Continue reading

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Luckiest day of the year

Okay, it’s been a few days since I posted anything usefull, due to school-related matters, as well as my recent discovery that full video streams of Frontline episodes are available for free on Today, however, I decided to finally … Continue reading

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Not enough time!

I just finished throwing together part of an essay for ap english, as well as messing with the design a bit more to make the text more readable. I also have to study more, and I’m in the middle of … Continue reading

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Messing with the design

No new content today!

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