Category Archives: Videos

Ted Kennedy supports net neutrality

Posted in Tech and games, Videos | 2 Comments

Bill O’Reilly Loses His Mind

It’s strange to see Geraldo as the voice of reason in anything, but it seems this time even he thinks O’Reilly has gone too far in exploiting a fatal drunk driving accident to make a cheap political point about immigration.

Posted in Current events, Videos | 2 Comments

Kiss Hank’s Ass

I just watched this video version of the classic Kissing Hank’s Ass story, and I laughed my holy ass off. It’s an elaborate and hilarious satire of religion and theism, with pretty much all the bases covered. It’s worth a … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Videos | 5 Comments

The Power of Nightmares

I first saw this when it was released for free on the Internet, and it really had an impact on me. I’m posting this here because it’s just as relevant now as it was then, maybe even more so. Both … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Videos | 7 Comments

Cheney interviewed by Blitzer

Posted in Other, Videos | 6 Comments

John Lennon – This is Christmas

Posted in Current events, Other, Videos | 2 Comments

Keith Olbermann on Bush and Clinton

Posted in Current events, Videos | 2 Comments

Pre-War Fantasies Vs. Post-War Reality

Posted in Current events, Videos | 8 Comments

Stem cell research saves lives–theistic ideology doesn’t

This is a very moving video that portrays the human aspect of stem cell research. (continue for streaming video)

Posted in Current events, Videos | 3 Comments

South Park episode about 9/11 conspiracy

Download the torrent here

Posted in Atheism, Videos | 10 Comments