Monthly Archives: August 2006

Google CEO joins Apple’s board of directors

The search giant’s Eric Schmidt joins the computer maker’s board, which already includes Steve Jobs and Al Gore. read more | digg story

Posted in News, Tech and games | 2 Comments

Colbert wins first round for Hungarian bridge!

As Thomas Koselak reports Stephen Colbert has won the first round of the Hungarian bridge naming contest as per major hungarian news sources. ( & Colbert is 1st by 8,4 million votes; 2nd place has 2+ mill. and 3rd- … Continue reading

Posted in News | 2 Comments

JonBenet suspect innocent

The case against John Mark Karr, suspect for the murder of JonBonet Ramsey, has been dropped, after DNA tests show he had not been at the crime scene. I hope all the 24hr news stations are proud of all the … Continue reading

Posted in Current events | 5 Comments

Entropy for idiots

A common claim among creationists is that evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics. Anyone who understands thermodynamics should see why this is bullshit, but creationists aren’t known for their knowledge of science. The second law of thermodynamics says, “No … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Noteworthy, Opinion | 75 Comments

Is Bush an Idiot?

Video “You know things are bad when one of your own turns on you.” To answer the question in the video: this man is a genuine idiot, no doubt about it. A rich coke-head who was used as a mascot … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Other | 4 Comments

Stupidity Manifesto

I found this article on “Blogs for Bush” and it basically outlines everything wrong with the neocon/evangelical view of science. The Death of Science Why did science stray from the path of truth? I think it is because we ceased … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Opinion | 6 Comments

Who Killed the Electric Car?

I just saw the new movie “Who Killed the Electric Car?” at the Tower Theater in Sacramento, and I really liked it. Though it wasn’t as good as Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” it told a very interesting story that … Continue reading

Posted in Other | 2 Comments

Ban on Violent Games Fails Miserably

Judge Issues Prelim. Injunction Against Louisiana Law Last evening Federal District Court Judge James Brady ruled in favor of the video game industry’s request for a preliminary injunction to keep the law from taking effect. Granting the preliminary injunction indicates … Continue reading

Posted in News, Tech and games | 1 Comment

60% of America doesn’t accept evolution

Americans Stubbornly Refuse to Accept Evolution A survey in 32 European countries, Japan and the U.S. reveals that only people in Turkey are less likely than Americans to accept the theory of evolution as a fact. Religious fundamentalism, partisan politics … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Opinion | 2 Comments

Site online

Well, this is my new blog, called “Talking in Circles.” I’m planning to post around once a day (don’t know if I’ll manage though) and hopefully mix opinion pieces with pure news (plus some irrelevant ranting every once in a … Continue reading

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