Monthly Archives: September 2006

Torture Bill passes Congress

H.R. 6166: Military Commissions Act of 2006 4 (A) As provided by the Constitution and by 5 this section, the President has the authority for 6 the United States to interpret the meaning and 7 application of the Geneva Conventions … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, News | 2 Comments

Messing with the design

No new content today!

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Wired article on Ebaums world’s stolen content

Dude, That is so not Funny Viral media is all the rage these days, and Bauman runs one of the few viral sites actually making money. Without spending a penny on direct advertising, he’s turned the high school hobby he … Continue reading

Posted in Other | 2 Comments

“Die for Oil, Sucker” poem by Jello Biafra

Posted in Current events, Videos | 2 Comments

No gravatars for now…

I tried to sign up for the gravatar service, but I’ve been waiting days for my avatar to be rated. I’ve decided to disable gravatars for now, since the service seems to be very unreliable.

Posted in Site News | 1 Comment

I steal music off the Internet

Does File-sharing Hurt the Music Biz? Though the methodology is complex, the results are straightforward: some US music consumers “could have decreased their CD purchases (prior to 2004) by about 13 percent due to Internet file sharing.” The scholarly consensus … Continue reading

Posted in Noteworthy, Opinion, Tech and games | 4 Comments

Words you can’t say but should

I just got a lecture from someone who didn’t like my use of “profane” language. I generally avoid it, and I’d go so far as to say I almost never use language that people would call profanity. I do, however, … Continue reading

Posted in Noteworthy, Opinion, Other | 3 Comments

Working on the layout

I’ve switched to K2, and I’m busy working on customizing it, so no new content for today! I’m working on getting some new features working, including gravatars and comment editing. You might recognize the header image and the animated gif … Continue reading

Posted in Other | 5 Comments

When I bring up religion…

I’ve had too many discussions lately about politics and philosophy that have ended prematurely because of people’s unwillingness to discuss religion, or think about it in the critically in the same way they would other subjects. When someone says that … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Opinion | 10 Comments

Why did ABC air Path to 9/11?

Al Manar, the Hezbollah television network in Lebanon, broadcast a television miniseries based the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-semetic book that has been throughly and completely debunked. In fact, it is based on nothing. It has no … Continue reading

Posted in Opinion | 4 Comments