Monthly Archives: October 2006

Firefox 2.0 review

Okay, I’ve been using the new Firefox 2.0 release for a few days now, and I have to say that I disagree with what many people have been saying about it. Right now, Firefox has around 13% of the browser … Continue reading

Posted in Tech and games | 3 Comments

Pre-War Fantasies Vs. Post-War Reality

Posted in Current events, Videos | 8 Comments

Maher Arar illegally held and tortured

“we support your war of terror” – borat Maher Arar is a 34-year-old wireless technology consultant. He was born in Syria and came to Canada with his family at the age of 17. He became a Canadian citizen in 1991. … Continue reading

Posted in Current events | 6 Comments

Dial a Psychic

I saw this article, written by Reginald V. Finley, and I found it really interesting. Basically, it shows everything that’s wrong with blind faith, as the callers described had no reason to believe the author was an actual psychic other … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Other | 4 Comments

Limbaugh still refuses to apologize to Fox

Rush Limbaugh is standing by his claim that Michael J. Fox is exaggerating the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, despite the recent, false claims by the media that he had apologized. From the transcript: I stand by what I said. I … Continue reading

Posted in Current events | 108 Comments

New layout and old excuses

Well, K2 wasn’t working well with my host, 1and1 (they’re complete crap), so I decided to change it up a bit. This is a much simpler and more elegant design, plus it validates in XHTML (last time I checked). Anyway, … Continue reading

Posted in Site News | 2 Comments

Enron CEO Skilling sentenced to 24 years

From MSNBC: Former Enron Chief Executive Officer Jeffrey Skilling, the most vilified figure from the financial scandal of the decade, was sentenced Monday to 24 years and four months in the harshest sentence yet in the case that arose from … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, News | 1 Comment

Thought Crimes

This is a very disturbing story, moreso when you really think about it. A 15-year-old boy was sentenced this morning to six years in state prison for his role in a plot to shoot fellow students and faculty last spring … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, F***ed up, Noteworthy | 7 Comments

Rick Santorum is an Orc

Recently, Senator and racist neocon asshole Rick Santorum told Bucks County Courier Times: “As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the Eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else. It’s being drawn to Iraq and it’s not being drawn … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Opinion | 3 Comments

Stem cell research saves lives–theistic ideology doesn’t

This is a very moving video that portrays the human aspect of stem cell research. (continue for streaming video)

Posted in Current events, Videos | 3 Comments