Monthly Archives: February 2007

New poll favors deadline for Iraq pullout

According to the Washington Post, two in three Americans disagree with the 21,500 troop surge, and 53% say we need to set a deadline for withdrawing US forces from Iraq. In addition, 67% said they disapproved with the handling of … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Opinion | 3 Comments

Christian group attacks Nintendo Wii

As Kotaku reports, Ethur, a radical Christian ministry in California, launched a smear campaign aimed at Nintendo’s new gaming console through it’s anti-pornography website The Porn Talk. The headline is “The Wii’s Dirty Little Secret.” Apparently this “dirty secret” is … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Tech and games | 7 Comments

It’s illegal to sell domains to terrorists

Yup, it’s a real bill. A person is guilty of criminal sale of an internet domain name to a terrorist group when he or she knowingly sells or provides without charge an internet domain name to any organization included on … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Other | 8 Comments

Obama “accused” of being Muslim

Yup. Read that title a few times before you read on to let it sink in. This has been all over the place, especially Fox News, and it’s completely ridiculous. First and foremost, he isn’t Muslim. While living in Indonesia, … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Opinion | 15 Comments

More bigotry towards atheism; letter to the editor

Posted in Atheism, Noteworthy | Tagged | 81 Comments

The Power of Nightmares

I first saw this when it was released for free on the Internet, and it really had an impact on me. I’m posting this here because it’s just as relevant now as it was then, maybe even more so. Both … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Videos | 7 Comments

Bloggers expose torture

Egyptian bloggers recently exposed police in Giza torturing bus driver Emad Mohamed Ali Mohamed by publishing a video of it online. The police released the bus driver with no charge 36 hours after the video was taken.

Posted in Current events, News, Other, Tech and games | 19 Comments