Monthly Archives: July 2007

Rudy Giuliani asked about AIDS, responds with “9/11!”

Well, not literally, but he did manage to completely dodge the question by randomly bringing up homeland security and being mayor during a terrorist attack. While Rudy Giuliani was in Iowa on Thursday, he was asked about federal support for … Continue reading

Posted in Current events | 2 Comments

Using broken slot machine is against the law?

Confusing title I know, but it’s a weird case. According to Yahoo! News, a machine at Caesars Indiana casino was crediting players with $10 for every $1 inserted because it wasn’t properly designed for U.S. currency. When a player finally … Continue reading

Posted in Other | 4 Comments

Data on Americans mined for terror risk

The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help search for potential terrorists according to a government report obtained Tuesday. In addition, the report disclosed government plans to build a new database to assess the risk posed by … Continue reading

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Creationist Periodic Table

Posted in Atheism, Other | 4 Comments


I had to take the streaming video down, but you can download Sicko easily with bit torrent.

Posted in Current events, Videos | 6 Comments

Bush commutes Libby’s prison sentence

In the latest example of how the members of the executive branch of the United States consider themselves to be above the law, President Bush has commuted Scooter Libby’s 30 month prison sentence. While it isn’t quite a full pardon … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, News, Opinion | 3 Comments