Monthly Archives: December 2007

I got my iPod Classic to work with Amarok

It was a bit harder than I expected it to be (the new iPods are apparently encrypted somehow to prevent anything but iTunes from syncing with it), but now it’s working perfectly. It even downloaded all of my cover art. … Continue reading

Posted in Tech and games | Tagged , | 5 Comments

14 year old Jehova’s Witness turns down treatment and dies

These sorts of stories really bother me. This kid, raised as a Jehova’s Witness, decides to turn down a blood transfusion that would have saved his live, on the grounds that it would make him “unclean and unworthy.” Of course, … Continue reading

Posted in F***ed up, Noteworthy | Tagged , | 31 Comments

LOLcats isn’t funny anymore

I know I should be writing about politics or philosophy or something, but I haven’t really been up to it lately, what with school and all. So, rather than a moderately intelligent post about a serious topic, you get my … Continue reading

Posted in Noteworthy, Other | Tagged , | 10 Comments


I’m in the midst of finals right now, and I’m in danger of getting a D in calculus. Blogging is distracting, thus I’m doing it less. Sorry folks. Also, notice the layout change. I know it seems like I change … Continue reading

Posted in Site News | 3 Comments

Bender’s Big Score

Best. Episode. Ever.

Posted in Other | 2 Comments