Dennis Kucinich introduces 35 articles of impeachment against Bush

I caught a bit of this live on C-Span yesterday, and I think it’s about damn time. Of course this isn’t going anywhere, but it’s nice to see my favorite congressmen up there saying what myself and millions of other people think.

As readers of this blog may remember, I supported Kucinich in the Democratic primary (though I didn’t get to vote for him, since he’d dropped out by the time of the California primary vote). While this — as well as his earlier attempts to impeach Cheney — ensure that he stays a bit of an “extremist,” I wish we had more politicians like him.

You can watch the video of his speech in three parts (below the fold):

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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5 Responses to Dennis Kucinich introduces 35 articles of impeachment against Bush

  1. echothenoise says:

    Really nice someone had the balls to do this. I saw a bit of it live, too, which was cool.

  2. krissmith777 says:

    Don’t get me wrong. I think impeachment of Bush is warented. But my problem is: Why bother? There will not be enough time to do it because he’ll be out in just a few months. Therefore it would be a waste of time.

  3. duane says:

    This is just one more reason I love Dennis K. He rules!

  4. Juan Carlo says:

    Just thought I’d return the favor and stop by your piece o’ the web. I’m impressed you’re just out of high school! I really like your blog, and I find it conforting that you have such an interest in politics. In my country, most kids your age… well, you’ve heard it before. And I also agree: thanks Dennis K, but c’mon, the man is only a few months away from leaving for good.

  5. Bunk Strutts says:

    I love Dennis the K for different reasons… the humor value. While Mayor of Cleveland Ohio, he managed to set his hair on fire, not once, but TWICE (the Cuyahoga River only caught fire once), and he claims to have seen a genuine UFO. He’s definitely out there.

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