Tag Archives: politics

We already have “death panels” — they’re called health insurance companies

So, the new talking point from the far-right is that Obama’s health care plan is a secret plot to kill your grandma (as seen on Fox News and Sarah Palin’s Facebook page). They claim that the bill will create “death … Continue reading

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Doctored photo of Obama smoking

Politics Daily reports that the Arizona Republican Party is running a photo of Obama with a cigarette dangling from his mouth as part of their campaign against health care reform. The image appeared on AZGOP news, but appears to have … Continue reading

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Churchgoers more likely to support torture

A survey has found that those who go to church are more likely to support the use of torture, whereas those who were not affiliated with any religious organization are the least likely of those polled to support torture. Here … Continue reading

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What’s wrong with gay adoption?

Answer: there’s nothing wrong with it. It improves the lives of children by bringing them into loving homes. Where’s the problem with that? Apparently conservatives (such as luckily-not-president McCain) believe that allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt is somehow … Continue reading

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Obama wins election

It’s official! Some part of me can’t believe we did this. I went down to my local polling place earlier today and voted (Obama for President, no on prop 8 ) — absolutely no line — and nearly all my … Continue reading

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Blog Action Day: Poverty in America

I was talking to a libertarian friend of mine after class a few days ago about health care and welfare. He was of the opinion that the government should not provide either, and upon further prodding he explained that he … Continue reading

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John McCain was the keynote speaker for ACORN in 2006

Remember that attack ad McCain put out linking Obama to the “radical” ACORN organization? Turns out McCain was the keynote speaker for ACORN during a rally in ’06. I don’t really have much of a problem with ACORN — the … Continue reading

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Do people actually think Obama is a terrorist?

I’m asking this question because I genuinely want to know the answer. Are there actually people out there who think Obama is a terrorist? In case you haven’t heard, that McCain ad trying to play up a relationship between Obama … Continue reading

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Distortions and lies in John McCain’s campaign ads

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Palin and “sexism”

Recently, a lot has been made about “sexist” comments referring to Sarah Palin. Honestly, I haven’t seen them. Nothing like that has come out of the Obama campaign. Maybe you could make the agrument that it has come out of … Continue reading

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