Sarah Palin’s radical religious beliefs

The nomination of Sarah Palin as VP has certainly made this election season more interesting. The weirdest part, I think, is how she seems to match up with the criticisms McCain and the right have been making of Obama.

First, McCain criticized Obama for being inexperienced, and specifically for lacking foreign policy experience. Now, McCain’s running mate has even less actual experience than Obama (two years ago she was mayor of a tiny town), and has absolutely zero foreign policy experience ( does not equal foreign policy experience).

Along those lines, one of the big scandals of this election year was that of Reverend Wright, Obama’s radical pastor. Obama denounced the extreme teachings of Wright, of course, but for many people that wasn’t enough — and they can legitimately argue that Obama might have been influenced by Wright’s teachings, even if he claims otherwise. Now, however, we have Palin, the Wasilla Assembly of God, and pastor Ed Kalnins.

Kalnins gives Wright a run for his money. He claimed that critics of Bush will be doomed to hell, and questions whether people who voted for Kerry in 2004 will be allowed into heaven. He also preaches extremist ideas outside of mainstream Christianity, like claiming 9/11 was part of an “end times” battle for the Christian faith. Even worse, Palin herself spoke at the church recently, claiming that the Iraq war was a mission from God, and asked the audience to pray for the $30 billion national gas pipeline project she supported.

And again, Palin doesn’t denounce these ideals; she essentially actively supports them. To me, this is much worse than the controversy over Rev. Wright.

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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26 Responses to Sarah Palin’s radical religious beliefs

  1. NPC says:


    That shit’s seriously fucked up.

  2. ELBSeattle says:

    Not to mention the fact that Sarah Palin proved herself to be an absolutely terrible, wasteful steward of public money when she was mayor of Wasilla.

    And let’s look at this whole ‘abstinence-only’ flavor of sex education she supports. Looks like it’s not doing so well in the Palin clan. If the shoe were on the other foot you can BET the Repubs would be all over Obama like white on rice. But somehow this unwanted teen pregnancy is something the party of social conservatives is happy to overlook.

    Bunch of hypocritical, evil lying bastards.

  3. qwerty says:

    I love how they’re claiming that being close to russia gives her foreign policy experience. I live close to a hospital, so do I have experience as a doctor?

  4. bipolar2 says:

    ** Welcome to “The Handmaid’s Tale”, America **

    McCain is a dupe. Now he’s just along for a ride into the abyss of fundamentalist political ideology, dominionism.

    Palin comes “wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross.” She is exactly the gender traitor dominionists need to create the xian Iran of their dreams, under xian imams, xian thugs, and their corporate overlords.

    Have you ever read or ever viewed The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood? A one sentence synopsis: “In a dystopicly polluted right-wing religious tyranny, a young woman is put in sexual slavery on account of her now rare fertility.”

    Atwood depicts a society in which women have been stripped of all rights in a fragment of a failed America, known as Gilead, a country controlled by christian fundamentalist terrorists.

    Obama PACs should buy The Handmaid’s Tale, novel and DVD, by the box load and hand copies to every media person they know. Get TV outlets to broadcast it. If necessary buy time to show The Handmaid’s Tale in critical markets.

    Palin emerges as a puritanical atavism directly from Atwood’s dystopia. She belongs to a possible future we must avert.

  5. Danielle says:

    Anyone who vote’s for McCain and Palin is a damn fool. (and if you don’t realize it now, you will.)

  6. B.Honest says:

    I completely agree with NPC’s assessment of the situation. WTF, indeed.

    What amazes me most is the over-abundance of wtf moments with this woman and their lies to cover for her. And the things to cover up!…Hollywood couldn’t write it better.

    What American in their right mind would put someone in America’s 2nd highest seat who proposes to have books banned from libraries (and tries to get the librarian fired for opposing her)….is that not the epitome of un-American?

    Seriously…even old folks would have heard of or remember the Nazi book burnings. Something should be clicking in those old clockworks..

  7. DOMAINerror says:

    Complete inexperience for such a high seat of power, but most of all she is completely out of touch with main stream America. I honestly don’t think we would be able to stand 4 years with this duo McCain/Palin

  8. conbrio says:

    Like most far-right “Christians,” Palin ignores most of Christian teaching, such as not bearing false witness (against Obama, in this case), such as loving one’s neighbors (she only does if they’re as fascistic as she is), and helping others (she only wants to help herself as the self-seeking, conceited opportunist she is).

    She fails as a mother to teach her daughter what she says is the only thing children should be taught about sex (abstinence); seeks congratulations for having a Down syndrome child when she doesn’t believe in abortion, so there’s nothing more special about this baby’s birth than any other’s; she relishes slaughtering wildlife from the unfair advantage of low-flying planes and Snowmobiles, and is lobbying to get protected species unprotected (polar bears) so she and other bloodthirsty people like her can have additional animals to kill.

    The leaders of a nation should be loving and compassionate. She’s neither. She’s abused both her offices in Alaska, gone to Congress for money for special state projects, then lied and says she hasn’t. She fired many officials when she took over each office, working people of service to the state but not HER appointees, so they can go to hell as far as she’s concerned.

    Real Christian women, as well as men, are supposed to be modest, but this heifer brags about flying home while leaking amniotic fluid in preparation to her baby’s birth, imperiling the baby, and openly discusses how she uses her breast pump.
    Now, excuse me, I’m no prude, but I’m not interested in the anatomical functions of her body related to childbirth and feeding.

    Her attempts at glamour are pathetic, but it’s too bad she lost the beauty pageant she entered. Had she won, she’d probably have tried to be a model or starlet and we wouldn’t have to see her supercilious smirk whenever she can get a photo op. I’m sure it’s just killing her that the GOP is keeping her away from the press — if anyone likes to be looked at, it’s Palin. Too bad for her that Barack Obama is about 10 times handsomer than she’ll ever be even somewhat attractive. It may be her major motive for such loathsome attacks as she’s launched against him — jealousy. But the party has to keep her from the press — otherwise her ignorance about nearly everything would doom any chance it has of winning this election, and McCain’s judgment and mental health would have to be scrutinized. Picking her is the first “maverick” action he’s taken in years, having been a Bush Baby for all of that administration and it’ll likely be his last. His health has been very poor and he’s 72. If those two win this election, he can’t be counted on to finish even his first term, and then we’ll be stuck with this no- nothing.

    The one thing I don’t understand is how anyone compares Obama’s “lack of experience” with hers. He’s a Columbia University graduated magna cum laud, a Harvard Law School graduate, heading the law review for his year, a civil-rights attorney, an Illinois state senator and now a U.S. senator for Illinois. And, yes, he was a community leader in the Chicago slums, galvanizing and coordinating residents in working hard to help themselves while the city government ignored them. He knows how to bring people together. Palin knows how to alienate them.
    These are the same thing? There’s nothing similar about them.

  9. Mark Peterson says:

    I knew Obama was a professor of law. I knew he was a community organizer. I didn’t know he graduated magna cum laude (for the republican readers that means ‘with great honors’) from Columbia.

    The more I know about Obama, the more I am impressed by him.

    The more I find out about Palin, this light-weight twit, this political golddigger from Alaska, I am astounded that the conservatives would consider this woman for the highest office in the country, cuz she very well could be number 1.

  10. Jim Sibley says:

    Michael Palin would be a better choice but he doesn’t have US citizenship. Was it he or Sarah that wrote the “Lumberjack” song. Maybe Sarah could expropriate it for her campaign song.

    I cut down trees. I skip and jump.
    I like to press wild flowers.
    I put on women’s clothing
    And hang around in bars.

  11. rb in michigan says:

    Sarah is not ready to be VP. McCain has sold out. He has given in to the old formula of using fear and far right views to win an election.

    I wonder about McCain:
    1.) an admitted womanizer, who repeatedly cheated on his first wife, and then married a “trophy” wife;
    2.) trophy wife had serious addiction problems and stole drugs;
    3.) trophy wife’s finances are off-limits from the public, but he could be making decisions that would directly effect his wife’s income; isn’t that a conflict?
    4.) now he picks a “trophy” VP and doesn’t want her subjected to the rigors of big time politics? Her past is off limits? She shouldn’t be questioned by the hard journalists? I am sure all foreign countries will be so gentle too.
    5.) Palin wants here family “off limits”, but look how’s she’s using her son’s farewell to Irag in the press today. Seems like either they are part of the discussion or they are not.
    6.) The Christian Right is willing to sell out. Regan hardly ever went to church. Does McCain? They only want people to say the right things, not people who try to live them out. As as Christian clergy, I am deeply offended.
    7.) Let’s hear more about Palin’s pastor. Let’s learn about her husband’s citizenship.
    8.) I am dubious of Christians who want to avoid responsibility for themselves by simply passing rules. Example: let’s put up the 10 commandments in public places, rather than know them ourselves and try to live by them; let’s have some school person lead in prayer, rather than teach our children to pray themselves, whenever and wherever they want; let’s outlaw choice, rather than teach and model ethical sexual behavior for our children and hold them accountable….I could go on and on.

  12. Grahm batson says:

    If your vocabulary is so poor that all you can use are four cuss words you should quit answering and learn some decent vocabulary

  13. Johnathen Grahm says:

    Anyone who votes for Obama is a fool.
    He’s at least as inexperienced as Palin, and is running for a higher office. Hold yourself to the same standards as your opponents.
    And as far as “Palin might become president” goes, Barack is just as likely to be assassinated in office as John McCain is to die. Will Biden change washington if Obama can’t? I don’t think so.

  14. Jewknowit says:

    After reading some of the comments here… I’m starting to think Mrs. Palin got the VP nomination on her knees. Anyone else getting that inkling?

  15. Socrata says:

    Palin’s vigorous support for gunning down wolves from low flying planes is brutal and ghoulish. Alaskans keep voting down the practice, but she’s managed to not only make it legal, but to encourage it.
    Be warned this video is disturbing:

  16. To Johnathen Grahm: With McCain we are talking about actuarial tables, not assassination. He’s old, by any definition.

    One thing about Palin that really bothers me is the fact that for a person talking about education as a national priority, it clearly wasn’t for her.

    Palin spent time at SIX college in SIX years. School records are sealed for confidentiality, but professors at North Idaho State whose courses she took could not remember her at all. Despite having a “passion for journalism” Palin never worked for a school paper or any other journalism group in college.

    She spent a few months at a TV station reading the sports news before returning to school at U. Idaho where her apparent greatest achievement was being able to remember the mascots name.

    Sarah Palin is a fluff candidate who is doing a great job of continuing the Rove Doctrine of “distract, destroy, deny.”

    I do hope she continues to give interviews though. For people who have not swallowed the right wing hook, these interviews have been quite revealing as to how out of her depth she is.

  17. Uncle B says:

    Some responsible, educated adults show restraint and maturity by using birth-control, pills or abstenance, in our sexually active very early, and later years because we know that statistically, there is a very large chance of problems with a pregnancy at these times of life. The grown-up responsible, adult and humane thing to do is to abstain, or indulge with appropriate protection. The Palin girls apparently do neither, and can only be counted as callous and careless, if not downright ignorant! A girl of 17 should be in school looking at a future and a career in this day and age – sexually active or otherwise! A woman of 40+ should know enough to not get in trouble! Contraception, by pills or abstinence is the most humane way to avoid abortion and unfortunate little lives of suffering. I wish these “red-neck broads” would grow up and show some personal responsibility instead of prancing their asses in front of the cameras because they have been told that they are ‘cute’ Lots of girls are winsome, most of them are more discrete and show more self-respect! God help America, we need it at times like these, an old goat and a bawdy broad wanting to run the show in Washington!

  18. NPC says:

    @Grahm batson
    Assuming you are referring to my post… I in fact do posses an extended vocabulary – thank you very much. However I felt expressing my natural reaction to such astonishing facts most appropriately highlighted my personal astonishment. Perhaps I was even trying to physiologically persuade readers like yourself, who seem to glaze over the article, to frantically re-read and search for what would provoke such commentary.

  19. NPC says:

    -I do admit to abusing firefoxs’ spell check however. ;)

  20. Jason says:

    Gov. Sarah Palin is Awesome! Be afraid, be very afraid!

  21. Sid says:

    Hmmm – Seems like a good chance that Sarah Palin could become the 2008 version of Dale Quale!

  22. G says:

    Johnathan Grahm, have you paid attention to anything said here? Palin’s inexperience (which does not even compare to Obama’s) isn’t even the #1 problem: she’s a goddamn lunatic

  23. Wayne Braden says:

    Be afraid of Mrs. Palin cause I support her. My family and friends love Mrs. Palin. The vile attacks against a great woman will make her stronger and our resolve greater. The hateful retching of the Left will soon makes it’s efforts a mute point in history. The Left is pornographic and it’s integrity is that of a Lair.

  24. John Wayne (a.k.a africa) says:

    The left has quite more integrity than you may think, especially in our lair. We got a minotaur up in that *****.

  25. James Klich says:

    Sarah Palin has no Foreign policy experience ans she is not the right person to represent this country at the international level. Having differences of opinion in religion is what makes this country great.

  26. Anonymous says:

    this crap is freakin gay and sarah palin is a freakin douchebag eater

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