Monthly Archives: December 2008

Jon Swift blogs about bloggers

Jon Swift has a nice list of interesting blog posts. It’s a good read — and not only because one of my posts is listed.

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Too much freedom

I have a very long vacation from school (6 weeks total, started this week), and I had been mentally piling up things to do over the break. Things I wanted to learn, read, play, watch, etc. Now that the break … Continue reading

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Alan Turing on religion

Alan Turing was the father of computer science, as well as an atheist and a homosexual (at a time when homosexuality was illegal and considered a mental illness). These two famous quotes are attributed to him: “Science is a differential … Continue reading

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Man in Iowa charged with possession of “obscene” manga

Christopher Handley is a collector in Iowa. He’s been charged with the alleged possession of obscene manga, and faces up to 20 years in prison. He received a package containing seven manga, which was intercepted by the Postal Inspector and … Continue reading

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12 year-old Dymond Milburn beaten by police

12 year-old honors student Dymond Milburn was beaten by plainclothes police officers in front of her house. The officers mistook her for a prostitute (they claimed she was wearing “tight shorts”), drove up in a van, jumped out, grabbed her, … Continue reading

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Surprisingly helpful Vista tip: Shortcut keyboard combination for creating a new folder in Vista’s file explorer

Hold down ALT and type F + W + F (in that order, without the plus signs). You can try them individually to see how this works. ALT+F opens the file menu, W opens the New submenu, and the final … Continue reading

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Philip K. Dick’s 80th birthday

If he had not died in 1982, today would be his 80th birthday. Philip K. Dick is my favorite author. I’m not sure what it is exactly that I always liked about him. He wasn’t always the most eloquent writer, … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Noteworthy, Opinion, Other | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

WordPress 2.7 is cool

I just upgraded to the latest version of WordPress, and I really dig the new Dashboard layout. After finals are over (end of the week) I’ll go back to regular blogging.

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