Monthly Archives: February 2009

BBC Documentary: The Enemies of Reason

Is it rational that the dead can communicate with the living and give sound advice on how they should live their lives? What about sticking pins into your body to free the flow of Chi energy and cure your illness? … Continue reading

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Ben Stein’s Expelled is painful to watch

We were shown the movie in my Critical Thinking (English 1C) class at Sacramento State University, and my teacher took to heart the conspiracy theory presented in the movie. He’s stated several times so far in the class how proud … Continue reading

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Long list of quotes from The Daily Show

I’ve collected a few of my favorites here, from both present and past correspondents. If you have any more you’d like to add, leave a comment. This is a rather long list, so I’m hidingĂ‚  it below the fold.

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Yahoo Pipes is actually kinda fun, but not very useful

If you haven’t heard, Yahoo launched a tool that allows non-programmers to build mashups (web applications that combine data and/or functionality from more than one source) by dragging boxes and lines together in a (usually) intuitive visual interface. I played … Continue reading

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School is keeping me busy, yet again

I’ve had to cut back on my blogging action a bit. I’ll still update occasionally, and I’ll be reading/commenting on a few other blogs regularly.

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