Old statistics joke

A company dealing in statistical analysis is hiring. Three recent graduates are invited for an interview: one has a degree in mathematics, another one in computer science, and the third one obtained his B.Sc. in statistics.

All three are asked the same question: “What is one third plus two thirds?”

The mathematician: “It’s one.”

The computer scientist takes out his pocket calculator, punches in the numbers, and replies: “It’s 0.999999999.”

The statistician: “What do you want it to be?”

About probabilityZero

I'm a rather boring, geeky college student. Most of my time is spent at a computer, reading a book, or sitting in (mostly uninteresting) classes. My hobbies include reading, blogging, creating and running websites, creating amateur video games, arguing incessantly on discussion forums, and buying books on amazon.com because I'm too lazy to go to the library.
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