About me

Who am I?
I’m a rather boring, geeky college student, and this is my weblog I stopped writing for this site and started a new weblog.

Sites I run, other than this one, include a forum, a web design portfolio, a site to publish my video games, a collection of funny conspiracy theory quotesan anime review site, and a blog about piracy and copyright law.

I have stopped writing for this blog. There is quite a bit of old content to browse through, though, and as always I will still be reading and answering comments and emails.

If you’re new to this site, a good place to start would be the posts labeled “Noteworthy.”

Information for cyber-stalkers:
Screen name: probabilityZero
Real name: Mike Vollmer
Occupation: Second-year College Student at Sacramento State University
Contact: email/gtalk: | yahoo: | msn: | xfire: