Category Archives: Current events

The Pirate Bay four found guilty

The Pirate Bay four were found guilty today of helping consumers illegally download copyrighted material. They each were sentenced to a year in jail, and collectively must pay $3,620,000. “It’s so bizarre that we got convicted at all, we have … Continue reading

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Ben Stein’s Expelled is painful to watch

We were shown the movie in my Critical Thinking (English 1C) class at Sacramento State University, and my teacher took to heart the conspiracy theory presented in the movie. He’s stated several times so far in the class how proud … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Current events | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

What’s wrong with gay adoption?

Answer: there’s nothing wrong with it. It improves the lives of children by bringing them into loving homes. Where’s the problem with that? Apparently conservatives (such as luckily-not-president McCain) believe that allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt is somehow … Continue reading

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Man in Iowa charged with possession of “obscene” manga

Christopher Handley is a collector in Iowa. He’s been charged with the alleged possession of obscene manga, and faces up to 20 years in prison. He received a package containing seven manga, which was intercepted by the Postal Inspector and … Continue reading

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12 year-old Dymond Milburn beaten by police

12 year-old honors student Dymond Milburn was beaten by plainclothes police officers in front of her house. The officers mistook her for a prostitute (they claimed she was wearing “tight shorts”), drove up in a van, jumped out, grabbed her, … Continue reading

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Philip K. Dick’s 80th birthday

If he had not died in 1982, today would be his 80th birthday. Philip K. Dick is my favorite author. I’m not sure what it is exactly that I always liked about him. He wasn’t always the most eloquent writer, … Continue reading

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Pirates hijack oil tanker and hold it ransom

Seriously. I know it’s a heinous crime and all, but it’s just so awesome. They’re asking for 25 million dollars.

Posted in Current events | 3 Comments

Obama wins election

It’s official! Some part of me can’t believe we did this. I went down to my local polling place earlier today and voted (Obama for President, no on prop 8 ) — absolutely no line — and nearly all my … Continue reading

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Blog Action Day: Poverty in America

I was talking to a libertarian friend of mine after class a few days ago about health care and welfare. He was of the opinion that the government should not provide either, and upon further prodding he explained that he … Continue reading

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John McCain was the keynote speaker for ACORN in 2006

Remember that attack ad McCain put out linking Obama to the “radical” ACORN organization? Turns out McCain was the keynote speaker for ACORN during a rally in ’06. I don’t really have much of a problem with ACORN — the … Continue reading

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