Category Archives: Opinion

The Pirate Bay four found guilty

The Pirate Bay four were found guilty today of helping consumers illegally download copyrighted material. They each were sentenced to a year in jail, and collectively must pay $3,620,000. “It’s so bizarre that we got convicted at all, we have … Continue reading

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Fox News has been trolled, again

The great thing about trolling is that anyone who doesn’t get it becomes part of the joke. You may have noticed this story about 4chan on the front page of I laughed when I read it, and I imagine … Continue reading

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Windows 7 is actually pretty good

Seriously. First, I’ll explain my bias: I’m primarily a Linux user, and I’d love to write a blog post trashing Windows. My experience with it so far, however, tells me that Windows 7 (only the beta, no less) is a … Continue reading

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Turtles all the way down – Intelligent design and infinite regression

If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause, it may just as well be the world as God, so that there cannot be any validity in that argument. Continue reading

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BBC Documentary: The Enemies of Reason

Is it rational that the dead can communicate with the living and give sound advice on how they should live their lives? What about sticking pins into your body to free the flow of Chi energy and cure your illness? … Continue reading

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What’s wrong with gay adoption?

Answer: there’s nothing wrong with it. It improves the lives of children by bringing them into loving homes. Where’s the problem with that? Apparently conservatives (such as luckily-not-president McCain) believe that allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt is somehow … Continue reading

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Philip K. Dick’s 80th birthday

If he had not died in 1982, today would be his 80th birthday. Philip K. Dick is my favorite author. I’m not sure what it is exactly that I always liked about him. He wasn’t always the most eloquent writer, … Continue reading

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I saw it yesterday and loved it. Not only is it hilarious, but it has an important message. I think we need a movie like this right now, when people like Sarah Palin are wearing their ignorance like a badge … Continue reading

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Blog Action Day: Poverty in America

I was talking to a libertarian friend of mine after class a few days ago about health care and welfare. He was of the opinion that the government should not provide either, and upon further prodding he explained that he … Continue reading

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Financial tips for new college students

These tips are aimed at new college students like myself, as well as students planning on attending college next year. Drive as little as possible. Paying for gas can easily become your largest expense, even if the only times you … Continue reading

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