Category Archives: Site News

New weblog

I wanted to get back into blogging, but I decided to start fresh. My new blog is called Recurial, and it’s about politics, poetry, and programming (I was trying to think of an interesting, short, available domain name, and this … Continue reading

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Back to School Again

The most boring blog posts in the world are ones giving excuses for why the author hasn’t posted as much as he or she wanted to. Unfortunately, you are now reading such a post. Classes started again today, and I … Continue reading

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School is keeping me busy, yet again

I’ve had to cut back on my blogging action a bit. I’ll still update occasionally, and I’ll be reading/commenting on a few other blogs regularly.

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Jon Swift blogs about bloggers

Jon Swift has a nice list of interesting blog posts. It’s a good read — and not only because one of my posts is listed.

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Still busy with school

… will return in a few weeks.

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School is keeping me busy

I’m taking a short break from blogging.

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New, original theme

I have created a WordPress theme, which is live right now on this site. Previously I’ve always used pre-existing themes and modified them to my liking, but I finally decided to make my own from scratch.

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Busy again

Sorry, taking another break from blogging.

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No new posts for a while

I’m pretty busy with school (and video games… The Lost Journey and Dreamfall FTW). See you in a few weeks.

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I’m in the midst of finals right now, and I’m in danger of getting a D in calculus. Blogging is distracting, thus I’m doing it less. Sorry folks. Also, notice the layout change. I know it seems like I change … Continue reading

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