Monthly Archives: August 2007

Guess that country

Okay, time for a game. I’ll give you some frightening phrases used by none other than our own Commander in Chief, and you try to guess what country he’s talking about. “[this country]‘s active pursuit of technology that could lead … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Noteworthy, Opinion | Tagged , | 3 Comments

One full year of blogging

Exactly a year ago today I started this blog. It’s certainly come a long way, though looking back I didn’t even come close to the “one post per day” I was planning on.

Posted in Noteworthy, Site News | 2 Comments

Just got my first payment from Helium

Sure, $30 isn’t much, but that paypal transfer means more than a bit extra cash I’ll throw away on ebay. Although I’ve been writing on this blog for almost a year (a few days less than a year, to be … Continue reading

Posted in Other | 2 Comments

John and Yoko: USA surpasses all the genocide records

Posted in Current events, Noteworthy, Opinion | 43 Comments

Conspiracy LOL

I never really announced it here, but I launched a new website a while ago called Conspiracy LOL ( Basically, it’s a collection of the craziest and (therefore) funniest conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorist quotes. It’s driven by user submissions, … Continue reading

Posted in Site News | 1 Comment

Number one Ubuntu bug

Posted in Tech and games | 2 Comments

Summer is over, school begins

Today was my first day back at school. Turns out I didn’t do some summer assignment for AP Environmental Science that I was supposed to do, so I had to do it all today after school, in addition to reading … Continue reading

Posted in Other | 3 Comments

Under copyright

Posted in F***ed up | 1 Comment

School is coming

Next Monday for me. I’m only taking five classes, but three of them are AP. I’m not exactly looking forward to all the work, but then again who out there does look forward to the beginning of school?

Posted in Other | 1 Comment

WoW is a drug

I’ve seen it happen. People want to just “try out” Blizzard’s wildly popular MMORPG, known by the street name “WoW”; their friends do it, it looks harmless. Soon, they’re completely obsessed, investing hundreds of hours into the game. Psychologist Dr. … Continue reading

Posted in Opinion, Tech and games | 8 Comments