Monthly Archives: October 2007

Portal is teh bestest game evar

Excuse my Internet speak, but I’m just so damn excited! The title may be a bit of an exaggeration, but it really is an amazing game. Not only is the game-play brilliant and wonderfully inventive (closer to an indie puzzle … Continue reading

Posted in Noteworthy, Opinion, Tech and games | Tagged | 3 Comments

Upgraded to Gutsy, still working out the kinks

I upgraded on Saturday, but I still haven’t gotten everything working. Right now sound capture isn’t working, and I only just got compiz-fusion working (which is weird, considering I had it working perfectly in Feisty; I had to remove it … Continue reading

Posted in Other, Tech and games | Tagged | 3 Comments

More school crap to deal with

Well, I have three tests tomorrow, and I’m still a bit out of it from the all-night LAN I went to over the weekend. I know my blogging has been crappy recently. I apologize.

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Ideas on conserving energy

Well, here’s my post for “Blog Action Day.” This is more of a to-do list for me than anything else, but you may find it useful. 1. Don’t leave my PC on overnight for warez downloads. Or at least do … Continue reading

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Ban plastic pen caps

Well, that’s what the Stirland family wants to do, after their son Ben choked to death on one. He died after swallowing it while doing homework. “What Ben was doing that day, chewing his pen, is what thousands of people … Continue reading

Posted in News, Noteworthy, Other | Tagged | 15 Comments

The new Radiohead album is awesome

As you’ve probably heard, Radiohead has ditched their music label and is now selling their new album, “In Rainbows,” from their website. There’s no set price. You name what you think it’s worth to you, and pay that. If you … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, News, Other | Tagged | 1 Comment

Just saw George Carlin live

It was amazing! I just got back a few minutes ago. The show was down in Sacramento, a short drive from my home. I sat fairly close to the front, maybe 14-15 rows from the front (I was just happy … Continue reading

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