Monthly Archives: November 2007

I have a cell phone!

Yup, I’ve joined the 21st century. I have a shiny new Blackberry Pearl 8100 with the unlimited data plan from T-Mobile, and I’m loving it! I got GTalk and Opera Mini on it, and they both run great. The EDGE … Continue reading

Posted in Other, Tech and games | 3 Comments

UC essays

I recently got them back from my teacher, and now I’m working on cutting them down to fit the 1000 word limit before I submit my application. You can download them here if you really want to, but be warned … Continue reading

Posted in Other | Tagged | 3 Comments

Ron Paul spammers piss me off

I didn’t comment on the botnet story when it broke a little while ago, but there’s something almost as interesting happening now. Now, to get this out of the way: I don’t hate Ron Paul. It may seem like I … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Noteworthy, Opinion | Tagged , | 29 Comments