Monthly Archives: April 2008

Controversy over new Pidgin feature

Newer versions of Pidgin have the text input area resize to fit the text typed in, similar to Google Talk. This made a bunch of people all pissy, and now they want to fork Pidgin. The new project, funpidgin, intends … Continue reading

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“Would you kindly?” An analysis of free will in Bioshock

I’ve been putting this off for too long, so I finally sat down to write an analysis of Bioshock. I’ll focus on the concept of “free will” and how it is explored in the game. This will definitely contain spoilers, … Continue reading

Posted in Tech and games | Tagged | 9 Comments

Best things to do with a hacked PSP

I was lucky enough to buy a PSP back when they were ridiculously easy to downgrade and hack, though I hear it’s still possible even with newer firmware versions. I’ve helped a few friends downgrade and install after-market firmware, and … Continue reading

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Why I hope Clinton doesn’t win the primary

It’s no secret that I’m an Obama supporter. I’ll support Clinton if she’s the candidate, but I dearly hope she isn’t. I’m not a big fan of Hilary Clinton for several reasons: Clinton received significant amounts of money from the … Continue reading

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I’m sticking with Ubuntu Gutsy for a while

The new version of Ubuntu came out, but I’m going to wait a while before upgrading. Right now, Ubuntu is really stable for me, and I don’t want to screw things up too much. There are a few things worrying … Continue reading

Posted in Tech and games | 2 Comments

Analysis of the Longest Journey and Dreamfall

Earlier I wrote a post discussing whether video games can be art or not. Now, I’m convinced they can. Just this weekend, I finished playing The Longest Journey and it’s sequel Dreamfall. They’re both essentially point-and-click adventure games (my current … Continue reading

Posted in Tech and games | Tagged | 4 Comments

Installing Nexuiz on Ubuntu Gutsy 64-bit

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing Nexuiz recently. I have played previous versions, but the newest one looks amazing. Full HDR effects, lots of detail everywhere. If you have a good graphics card, I’d highly recommend you try … Continue reading

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State legislator rants about atheism during committee hearing

Rep. Monique Davis (D-Chicago) interrupted atheist activist Rob Sherman during his testimony Wednesday afternoon before the House State Government Administration Committee in Springfield and told him, “What you have to spew and spread is extremely dangerous . . . it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, F***ed up | Tagged | 3 Comments

Two explanations for the global warming controversy

Despite the fact that I’m taking AP Environmental Science, I’m really not qualified to discuss the details of the greenhouse effect and global warming. I do know that they are issues with legitimate scientific uncertainty, but also that the general … Continue reading

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