Monthly Archives: July 2008

Political interpretations of Dark Knight

First of all, Dark Knight is an amazing movie. Heath Ledger gave an great performance, and the storytelling was very well done. I also think that, while the movie can easily be seen to have political implications, they were not … Continue reading

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New, original theme

I have created a WordPress theme, which is live right now on this site. Previously I’ve always used pre-existing themes and modified them to my liking, but I finally decided to make my own from scratch.

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McCain, MLK, and civil rights

As most readers already know, John McCain opposed establishing a federal holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr in 1983. Most Republicans (including Cheney and Gingrich) supported it at the time, but Arizona seemed dead-set against it. The holiday became … Continue reading

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Douglas Adams on religion and puddles

. . . imagine a puddle waking up one morning and thinking, ‘This is an interesting world I find myself in’an interesting hole I find myself in’fits me rather neatly, doesn’t it? In fact it fits me staggeringly well, must … Continue reading

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Wisdom teeth come out

I got my wisdom teeth removed today. Not fun.

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I recently got back from Las Vegas (went to go see Penn & Teller and Spamalot), and had the pleasure of flying on an airplane there and back. I wasn’t searched or hassled or anything like that — being in … Continue reading

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Taking a break

I’m working on other stuff. BBL.

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