Monthly Archives: June 2009

Alan Turing’s birthday

This is Alan Turing, one of the most brilliant men of the last century and the father of computer science. He was greatly influential in the fields of logic and mathematics, and he worked on codebreaking for the British government … Continue reading

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Piracy and shoplifting

A common talking point you hear from the RIAA/MPAA and the media corporations is that piracy is stealing. You wouldn’t steal a DVD movie, so why would you download a DVD rip from a torrent site? Well, the obvious problem … Continue reading

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NASA has a sense of humor

Source: Wikipedia.

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200th Anniversary of Thomas Paine’s Death

Last week was the 200th anniversary of his death. In remembrance, I thought I’d post some of his more inspirational quotes: THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, … Continue reading

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Why do people believe celebrities instead of experts?

You’ve probably seen news coverage of the debate over the safety of vaccines and whether they cause autism in children. In fact, you might have seen new-age medicine spokeswoman and former Playboy model Jenny McCarthy speak out against vaccines on … Continue reading

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Richard Feynman on poets

Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the stars — mere globs of gas atoms. Nothing is “mere”. I too can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? … Continue reading

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I hate Internet Explorer 6

Pretty much every designer says this, and with good reason. IE6 is around 8 years old now, and severely out of date. Designing around its bugs is a royal pain in the ass, and it’s necessary to do so because … Continue reading

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