Monthly Archives: October 2008


I saw it yesterday and loved it. Not only is it hilarious, but it has an important message. I think we need a movie like this right now, when people like Sarah Palin are wearing their ignorance like a badge … Continue reading

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School is keeping me busy

I’m taking a short break from blogging.

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Blog Action Day: Poverty in America

I was talking to a libertarian friend of mine after class a few days ago about health care and welfare. He was of the opinion that the government should not provide either, and upon further prodding he explained that he … Continue reading

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John McCain was the keynote speaker for ACORN in 2006

Remember that attack ad McCain put out linking Obama to the “radical” ACORN organization? Turns out McCain was the keynote speaker for ACORN during a rally in ’06. I don’t really have much of a problem with ACORN — the … Continue reading

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Financial tips for new college students

These tips are aimed at new college students like myself, as well as students planning on attending college next year. Drive as little as possible. Paying for gas can easily become your largest expense, even if the only times you … Continue reading

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Do people actually think Obama is a terrorist?

I’m asking this question because I genuinely want to know the answer. Are there actually people out there who think Obama is a terrorist? In case you haven’t heard, that McCain ad trying to play up a relationship between Obama … Continue reading

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Found this baby on 4chan. I’ve been a lazy blogger recently, haven’t I?

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“VB GUI Interface” in CSI

I’m having trouble imagining the chain of events that would lead to this being in the final script. The most likely explanation I can think of is that their local “tech” guy either was a moron that threw together random … Continue reading

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