Category Archives: Current events

We already have “death panels” — they’re called health insurance companies

So, the new talking point from the far-right is that Obama’s health care plan is a secret plot to kill your grandma (as seen on Fox News and Sarah Palin’s Facebook page). They claim that the bill will create “death … Continue reading

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Doctored photo of Obama smoking

Politics Daily reports that the Arizona Republican Party is running a photo of Obama with a cigarette dangling from his mouth as part of their campaign against health care reform. The image appeared on AZGOP news, but appears to have … Continue reading

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Joel Fought Back — after going to court over 30 downloaded MP3s, verdict is $675,000 fine

What punishment do you think would fit the crime of pirating 30 MP3s? If you said “over $600,000,” you probably work for the RIAA. After a valiant and creative defense from Charles Nesson and his law students, Joel Tenenbaum lost … Continue reading

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AT&T declares war on the Internet

AT&T has started blocking access to, which means access to the 4chan imageboards /b/ and /r9k/ are unavailable to most (not all) AT&T customers. An article on the wiki Encyclopedia Dramatica has details: -Most AT&T DSL (largest ISP in … Continue reading

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AP’s impossible text DRM dreams

So, it’s just text content, but it can call home, track where it has been, and secure digital rights. Good luck with that.

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Christian Civil Liberties Union calls for book burning in Milwaukee

Here we go again. I think I’m becoming desensitized to these stories. I just can’t muster up the moral outrage like I used to. CNN reports: The strife began in February when West Bend couple Jim and Ginny Maziarka objected … Continue reading

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Piracy and shoplifting

A common talking point you hear from the RIAA/MPAA and the media corporations is that piracy is stealing. You wouldn’t steal a DVD movie, so why would you download a DVD rip from a torrent site? Well, the obvious problem … Continue reading

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Why do people believe celebrities instead of experts?

You’ve probably seen news coverage of the debate over the safety of vaccines and whether they cause autism in children. In fact, you might have seen new-age medicine spokeswoman and former Playboy model Jenny McCarthy speak out against vaccines on … Continue reading

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Gay marriage remains banned in California

Today, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8′s ban on gay marriage, but also ruled that same-sex couples already married will remain married under state law. Proposition 8 passed with a 52% majority, overturning a previous ruling by the California … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, Opinion | 2 Comments

Churchgoers more likely to support torture

A survey has found that those who go to church are more likely to support the use of torture, whereas those who were not affiliated with any religious organization are the least likely of those polled to support torture. Here … Continue reading

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