Category Archives: News

Man in Iowa charged with possession of “obscene” manga

Christopher Handley is a collector in Iowa. He’s been charged with the alleged possession of obscene manga, and faces up to 20 years in prison. He received a package containing seven manga, which was intercepted by the Postal Inspector and … Continue reading

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12 year-old Dymond Milburn beaten by police

12 year-old honors student Dymond Milburn was beaten by plainclothes police officers in front of her house. The officers mistook her for a prostitute (they claimed she was wearing “tight shorts”), drove up in a van, jumped out, grabbed her, … Continue reading

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Obama wins election

It’s official! Some part of me can’t believe we did this. I went down to my local polling place earlier today and voted (Obama for President, no on prop 8 ) — absolutely no line — and nearly all my … Continue reading

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Clinton is out, Obama is the candidate

Finally. Now we can all focus on winning the actual election. And I think we will. Despite the prolonged primary race, the Democratic party is staying strong. Obama offers something new, whereas McCain has practically turned into Bush. I think … Continue reading

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Edwards drops out

I’m still rather busy, but this news was important enough that I felt I needed to report it. First Kucinich, now Edwards — my two favorite candidates are out of the race. He did not endorse either candidate, though I … Continue reading

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Ban plastic pen caps

Well, that’s what the Stirland family wants to do, after their son Ben choked to death on one. He died after swallowing it while doing homework. “What Ben was doing that day, chewing his pen, is what thousands of people … Continue reading

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The new Radiohead album is awesome

As you’ve probably heard, Radiohead has ditched their music label and is now selling their new album, “In Rainbows,” from their website. There’s no set price. You name what you think it’s worth to you, and pay that. If you … Continue reading

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Bush commutes Libby’s prison sentence

In the latest example of how the members of the executive branch of the United States consider themselves to be above the law, President Bush has commuted Scooter Libby’s 30 month prison sentence. While it isn’t quite a full pardon … Continue reading

Posted in Current events, News, Opinion | 3 Comments

Hamas TV’s Mickey Mouse-ripoff martyred

According to the Associated Press: A Mickey Mouse lookalike who preached Islamic domination on a Hamas-affiliated children’s television program was beaten to death in the show’s final episode Friday.In the final skit, “Farfour” was killed by an actor posing as … Continue reading

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Lieberman advocates attacking Iran

The conservatives’ favorite Democrat, now independent, recently went on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and said: I think we’ve got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq This goes … Continue reading

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