Category Archives: Noteworthy

Noteworthy entries.

We already have “death panels” — they’re called health insurance companies

So, the new talking point from the far-right is that Obama’s health care plan is a secret plot to kill your grandma (as seen on Fox News and Sarah Palin’s Facebook page). They claim that the bill will create “death … Continue reading

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Video games and the Hollywood effect

“Indie” games, or independent video games (games developed without support from a major video game publisher) have become quite popular recently in some circles of gamers, and I couldn’t be happier. The majority of these games are so-called “casual” games, … Continue reading

Posted in Noteworthy, Tech and games | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Piracy and shoplifting

A common talking point you hear from the RIAA/MPAA and the media corporations is that piracy is stealing. You wouldn’t steal a DVD movie, so why would you download a DVD rip from a torrent site? Well, the obvious problem … Continue reading

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Why do people believe celebrities instead of experts?

You’ve probably seen news coverage of the debate over the safety of vaccines and whether they cause autism in children. In fact, you might have seen new-age medicine spokeswoman and former Playboy model Jenny McCarthy speak out against vaccines on … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Current events, Noteworthy, Opinion | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Is Twitter really good for anything?

Maybe, maybe not. Regardless, I still use it. Everyone’s heard of Twitter. Senators use it, newscasters blabber about it, but what is it? This is as simple as I can state it: Twitter is a service where you (the user) … Continue reading

Posted in Noteworthy, Opinion, Tech and games | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The Pirate Bay four found guilty

The Pirate Bay four were found guilty today of helping consumers illegally download copyrighted material. They each were sentenced to a year in jail, and collectively must pay $3,620,000. “It’s so bizarre that we got convicted at all, we have … Continue reading

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James D. Watson on science and genetics

No one may have the guts to say this, but if we could make better human beings by knowing how to add genes, why shouldn’t we? Continue reading

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Turtles all the way down – Intelligent design and infinite regression

If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause, it may just as well be the world as God, so that there cannot be any validity in that argument. Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Noteworthy, Opinion | Tagged , , | 16 Comments

What’s wrong with gay adoption?

Answer: there’s nothing wrong with it. It improves the lives of children by bringing them into loving homes. Where’s the problem with that? Apparently conservatives (such as luckily-not-president McCain) believe that allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt is somehow … Continue reading

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Philip K. Dick’s 80th birthday

If he had not died in 1982, today would be his 80th birthday. Philip K. Dick is my favorite author. I’m not sure what it is exactly that I always liked about him. He wasn’t always the most eloquent writer, … Continue reading

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